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Around Peyton, CO

There's plenty to do around Peyton, including shopping, dining, nightlife, parks, and more. Data provided by Walk Score and Yelp.

Walking Score
Somewhat Bikeable
Bike Score

Points of Interest

Explore popular things to do in the area, including Coffee Shack Brew and Q, Ted Baker Meat Processing, and Homestead Ranch Park.

Name Category Distance Reviews
Ratings by Yelp
Dining 0.75 miles 11 reviews 4.8/5 stars
Dining 1.67 miles 7 reviews 4.4/5 stars
Active 0.46 miles 5 reviews 4.8/5 stars
Active 4.61 miles 15 reviews 4.3/5 stars

Schools in Peyton, CO

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Primary Schools ()
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Mixed Schools ()
The following schools are within or nearby Peyton. The rating and statistics can serve as a starting point to make baseline comparisons on the right schools for your family. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.
School rating

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